FuseBox Session 2 Antony Mayfield
Published on 24 Jun 2014
Social Media Marketing for Start-Ups and Innovators
Antony Mayfield- CEO & founder of digital strategy agency Brilliant Noise and the author of ‘Me and my Digital Shadow’.
In this breakfast session he talks about how different social media platforms operate, how you can use social media to build a brand, to generate an understanding of your product and your customer and to test new ideas and concepts.
The slides for this presentation can be found here: http://www.slideshare.net/amayfield/f…
What are the FuseBox Sessions?
The Fusebox Sessions are fortnightly events held by Wired Sussex at our FuseBox home in Brighton and are part of our FuseBox24 start-up programme. The sessions are based around the general theme of ‘ideas you can use’. We think that they have a lot to offer people outside the programme too, so we have made the sessions open and free of charge to Wired Sussex member companies and their employees. Each session consists of a talk with Q & A followed by the chance to network.
These events are supported by the EU’s European Regional Development fund through the INTERREG IVC programme ReCreate
To find out more about Wired Sussex and upcoming events http://www.wiredsussex.com/
Special thanks to Antony Mayfield https://twitter.com/amayfield
And Shy Camera for filming http://www.shycamera.co.uk/